Anne Maddox Boutique

Thursday, May 22, 2014

Recycling Old Pillows for Fido

You know how I like repurposing things.  Today I'm going to show you how to reuse your old pillows for man's best friend.  I know most people don't like to sew, especially the hand-sewn sides of a pillow. And since man's best friend is sometimes a little messy...this style of pillow sham is easy to slip off and throw in the washing machine (mine has already visited the washing machine).

I picked this decorating fabric from Joann's Fabrics.  It is washable, but has to be line dried.  The width of it was a perfect fit for my pillows.  Step 1: Measure the pillow.  When measuring your pillow make sure to use a sewing measuring tape to account for the curve in the pillow.

Step 2: After measuring your fabric
cut your fabric to fit.

I didn't have to make a side seam
due to using the wider decor fabric.
Make sure your back edges have
enough fabric to overlap by 3".
I cut my fabric width to the same size
I measured on the pillow (this will
make sure the pillow sham
fits snug to the pillow).

Step 3: Sew back edges
After cutting the fabric,
I ironed and stitched each side
of the fabric that will overlap.
(This will be your opening
to put the pillow in)

Step 4: Layout the pillow to sew, then pin edges.  Make sure your finished edges
overlap so that the pillow
won't show through on the back side.
This makes the pillow easily accessible
later for washing.
Step 5: Sew the edges of the pillow
Step 6: Flip inside out and stuff with pillow :)
Finished back side of pillow.
Have extra pillows to spare?  Local animal shelters are always looking for beds for our four legged friends until they find a new home.  I'm sure they would appreciate your donation!

Check our our new 4th of July headbands and new maxi skirt from Anne Maddox Boutique!

Have an idea to share?  I'm always looking for fun things to share!

1 comment:

  1. I forgot to mention if you don't sew you can try fabric tape. I would recommend the kind that you iron for better durability.
