Anne Maddox Boutique

Monday, January 14, 2013

Welcome to my blog!

Well, here it goes.  I'm officially writing my first blog!  Anyone who truly knows me, would say this isn't my strength.  My English teacher in High School would probably have a heart attack that I was writing something that wasn't forced.  Just please excuse my grammar mistakes :) My good friend has been encouraging me to do this, but she is also a paid writer for a local paper (of course, it is easy for her).  I've tried to think of what to write about and it finally came to me...why not introduce you to the world of a mom starting an online business.  I have to say it is more complex that I thought.  I figured some days we could laugh at my mistakes, others I could share valuable learning experiences I have faced, and some days just share the life of being a mom!

A little background on myself:
I've always seen the world a little differently.  Some saw this as a plus, others not so much.  I was a decent student, but have always loved creating things.  In college, I saw the sorority shirts and thought I could do that.  Well, I did. I made fraternity and sorority shirts throughout school.  Guess what my major was??  Of all things it was Agriculture Business.  I think it took me years to find myself, but I've always come back to what I love most...creating things.

After leaving the Agriculture Industry as a career, I decided I wanted to do something for others.  I went in to teaching high school students.  I loved my job.  Not that it wasn't stressful at times, but I was able to use my passion at my job and teach others.  They learned basics on creating items in Photoshop, web design, and I have to admit my favorite part was running an Entrepreneurship class that made custom clothing, etc.  As a mother, you always feel the "mommy guilt".  I spent 2 hours most days just in travel time away from my family.  My husband had most of the responsibility of the girls.  With school schedule changes and loss of an overload of classes, it didn't make since anymore for us to continue to pay daycare.  For the first time I was at home with my children.

This year is my first year the girls are both in school.  My husband asked what I was going to do several years from now and I decided the road I wanted to head down would take some time to achieve.  Of all times of the year, I picked the busiest time to start my own business.  Right before the holidays!  The week after I started, both of my girls got the flu!  Reading a book this morning I was reminded that God does have a plan for us, but that doesn't mean we won't hit bumps along the road!

My hope is that I can share and hopefully motivate anyone who has a dream of something they want to accomplish.  My store, Anne Maddox Boutique, carries handmade girls pajamas, baby items, headbands, bows, etc.  Please feel free to give me feedback.  I always have visions that sometimes keep me up at night, but they don't always turn out exactly how I thought.

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