Anne Maddox Boutique

Friday, February 8, 2013

My Little Mommy

Since I told you about my free-spirited younger daughter, I thought today I would share about my oldest daughter.  From the age of two years old she would tell her father in the grocery store what food he needed to buy...the funniest part was she was always right!  On the other hand my husband still hasn't learned the art of grocery shopping and now the two of them together make a for a really high grocery bill.  Even though she is only seven she has acquired eclectic taste.  She talks him into salmon, octopus, crawfish, etc.

She has always been a rule follower and is the first person to take care of you when you are sick.  She is also very observant.  Do not say anything within her ear shot that you don't want repeated.  She is very good about remembering people's faces.  In a restaurant she observes the room and later could tell you about anyone in there.  In this respect, we are nothing alike.  I take after my youngest who is in her own world.  As for her personality, we have more in common than I would like to admit sometimes.  My husband puts it nicely that I inherited my strong willed nature from both sides of my family.  I contribute this as a good quality since until a couple of years ago, I still had all of my grandparents except for one.

Starting kindergarten, I was a little concerned.  I thought her personality of taking charge meant she was a little bossy.  In her first teacher conference the teacher assured me that she was more of a "mommy" to everyone and this was a great trait.  She sometimes paired her with students that needed a little assurance and help coping with the introduction to kindergarten.  After seeing a special needs child in her class outside of school that hugged her and cried when he had to leave her I realized that she did have something special.  I guess sometimes we need to realize even as moms that traits that may concern us God has given them for a specific purpose.  If only I could get her to treat her sister in this manner!! :)

I learn from my children every day.  The are very good observers of our moods and know us better than anyone.  When they are driving you crazy, take a deep breath and just be thankful they are healthy enough to do so.  Most times if your attitude changes, so will theirs.

My close friend's son has battled histiocytosis since he was two.  They are donating $1 to the Histiocytosis Foundation through February 28, 2013, for every new "LIKE" on their Facebook page.  This is of no cost, but a simple click that will help a great cause.  It is a rare disease that needs research. It is amazing to see the strength they have shown through this great challenge.  I think we could all learn a lot from them.

Valentine's Day is next week!  The Tomkat studio has some great free printable designs for parties. Anne Maddox Boutique has many gifts for Valentine's Day!  Have a birthday coming up, my girls pajamas make a great gift!  "LIKE" us on Facebook for new items, items of the day and current specials!

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