Anne Maddox Boutique

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Bizarre & Unique Holidays

So you thought the holidays were over...think again!  There is a bizarre or unique holiday for almost every day of the year.  I thought I would change things up a bit and enrich your lives with some fun and meaningful holidays that you might not know about.

April just happens to be National Humor Month and no better of a mascot than our dog, Tucker.

Tucker is a 11 year old Toy Rat Terrier who amuses us on a daily basis.  I'm thinking since he is small that he has nine lives like a cat to survive all the things he has done over the years.  Tucker loves to show off his tricks.  His rolling over involves a full spin before he does the trick.  Although he will not provide a second showing if a treat is not involved.  If our other dog, Gracy, is in his way he will simply give her a karate chop kick from the side as a signal to back away.  Once I found him with a bag of hershey kisses.  He had unwrapped them and eaten almost an entire bag while I was in the shower.  I can't even get those open...I don't know how he did without fingers!  He won't go to bed without me and sits on my feet waiting while I wash my face.  Everyone needs a ham like Tucker in the family!

There are a couple of holidays today.  One is Golfer's Day.  There are several schools of thought on how this was started since there is very little evidence as to how it came to be.  Either an avid golfer wanted an excuse to have a day devoted to playing, the first professional golf tournament was held on April 10 or the first tubular steel golf club shaft was approved for championship play on this day.  Although any true golfer doesn't need any excuse to want to take the day off to play!

The other holiday celebrated today is National Siblings Day.  This holiday was founded by Claudia A. Evart after the deaths of her brother and sister.  What a nice way to commemorate one of the closest friend(s) you will ever have.

All of the information on holidays was found at

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New items now available from Anne Maddox Boutique:
* Leopard birthday shirt and matching bow
Girls Polka Dot Pillowcase Dress
* Girls Satin Zebra Pajamas

...and many more new items to come!

Thank you to all my customers for your support!

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